Oct 4, 2013

Reasons... so many.

The vision that started it all. 

February will be 2 years, 2 years of crawling, fighting, reaching to move forward. I was ill and did not realized just how ill. Even now I look back and am still not 100% sure just how ill I'd become. I was mentally, physically, spiritually spent. I did not know it at the time but I was killing myself, poisoning my being with what I believed was food.  I am still learning and in turn attempting to pay it forward, the info of what is food, what is healthy, what is true. When your body is in balance everything else falls into play and follows suit. 
There is a way out, a way up from the depths of YUCK is what I have come to call it. You just have to not only want it but GO FOR IT! 

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